A Day in the Life of a Marketing Intern at Family Legacy Financial Solutions
Written by Rachel West, a Family Legacy Financial Solutions Marketing Intern
Starting My Day Off
I always come into the office at 9:00 AM to organize my day. Each day I am in the office, I always have a new project to do on top of my everyday tasks. I usually spend fifteen to twenty minutes catching up on emails from previous days, sending out new emails, organizing my Outlook Calendar and my paper agenda (I know it’s redundant but I don’t always have my computer with me), and catching up with everyone in the back room (that’s the room with all of the interns and Junior Financial Advisors).
Social Media
Part of my role as a Marketing Intern at Family Legacy is managing the Triangle Tech Net social media platforms using CanvaPro, email campaigns on MailChimp, and any special campaigns for Triangle Tech Net. Right now, my main special campaign is the TTN LinkedIn campaign. With this campaign, I manage followers daily and take a look at how TTN’s posts on LinkedIn are doing. One of the most important parts of this campaign is creating creative and engaging posts. I usually set aside 1-2 hours a week just planning social media for Triangle Tech Net since every quarter the Marketing Team has a set of goals for each platform and campaign.
Event Planning
Another part of my role that I work with every day is event planning. One of main customer funnels for Family Legacy is our events. We like to create engaging and cool events that will attract people, who may not even be our current clients, to come to our events and meet the team. Over the summer, the main events I planned were the Golf Tournament & Benefit Dinner that is now being hosted in April of 2021, and the seminars and Lunch & Learns. Currently, I am planning the Holiday Celebration Wine & Beer Tasting client appreciation event that will take place in the middle of December.
Ongoing Projects
Everyday, I have meetings related to some sort of ongoing project that I’ve started throughout the internship. Some of these projects include the websites, Church Program Workbook, the Family Legacy Onboarding Training Program, Referral Program, etc. Currently, my main focus has been working directly with the HR department to update and create new sections of the Onboarding Training Program. This has helped me gain insight to all departments of the company and has given me a better understanding of how Financial Advisors use marketing in their everyday work lives.
Webmaster Duties
One of the coolest parts about interning for Family Legacy is that I’ve become their Webmaster for their Family Legacy Financial Solutions and Triangle Tech Net websites. This means that I have designed and created both websites using Wix Editor. Both websites started as drawings in my notebook, and I was able to bring my sketches to life using Wix Editor Pro. Almost daily, I spend 5-10 minutes going through and updating both websites and looking at the incoming traffic. This helps me put together my weekly reports that are presented at the Family Legacy Team Meeting. For this report, I utilize Wix SEO and Google Analytics.
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