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Financial Advice

Income Tax Forms 101

It’s that time of the year again. The year where you get sent PDFs, paper mail, and everything in between of tax forms. It can be overwhelming and confusing, especially for younger individuals who may just be starting to do their own taxes. We are going to give you an brief list of tax forms […]
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Credit: What is it and why do you need to know about it?

    What is credit? This is a very common question among large portions of our country. It is a confusing topic that leave many feeling with more questions than answers. This blog post will try to address some common questions and misconceptions about credit. To start, when we purchase a credit card, we are […]
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Traditional vs. Roth IRAs

One of the Marketing Team’s goals for 2020 was to create a YouTube channel. Our two interns have created a YouTube channel for us this past summer, and have done an amazing job with creating content for you all. Check out the most recent YouTube video created by our Marketing Intern, Rachel. Comment on the […]
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Planning a Weekend Getaway on a Budget

Everyone wants a fun weekend adventure that doesn’t break the bank. The best way to do this is to follow a quick list of tips we’ve provided below. We’ll also include some fun and quick trips right here in North Carolina. Here are some quick tips on how to plan a fun weekend getaway on […]
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Back-to-School Fashion on a Budget

We know times are tough with COVID-19, but kids still want to look great going to school this fall. That’s why we asked our summer interns how they stick to a budget while they shop. Our two summer interns, Rachel and Lindsey, are avid shoppers. Both of our interns looks for ways to support sustainable […]
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Benefits of Using Venmo

Venmo is a payment app that has grown in popularity within the last few years. With over 40 million users, it is one of the most popular financial apps in the country. So why should you use Venmo? How can it benefit you? These are questions you are probably asking yourself if you have not […]
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